(Roof ) 
(Roof ) 

Roof for refugees..(Roof ) 

Gaza Strip: These days Rafah is being discussed all over the world. Israel is constantly raining (Roof )  bombs and missiles on this small city situated in the south of Gaza Strip. But why is it hell-bent on destroying it?

Rafah’s border meets Egypt

Actually Rafah is a small city in Palestine. It is situated in the south of Gaza Strip. Its border meets Egypt. When Israel launched a campaign in the northern area of ​​Gaza Strip to eliminate Hamas terrorists, the people living there were asked to leave their homes and go to Rafah. After this, the Israeli Army started carrying out air strikes and ground attacks on the empty northern area. While hundreds of Hamas terrorists were killed in these attacks, the underground tunnels were also destroyed.

Muslim countries are opposing Israel

Despite the campaign in the northern region, Hamas terrorists have been continuously attacking Israel from time to time. The Israeli army says that many Hamas terrorists have left the northern region and are hiding in Rafah. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a campaign in Rafah. Muslim and western countries are strongly opposing this plan and calling it a genocide of Palestinians. However, this hue and cry is not having any effect on Israel and it is selectively demolishing terrorist hideouts. In this campaign, many innocent people are also being killed along with the terrorists. Due to which the death toll in the Gaza war is also increasing.

Now let us introduce you a little bit about the history of Rafah. This city was captured by the British army on 9 January 1917. 5 years later, when they conducted a census in Rafah, only 599 people were found living there, all of whom were Muslims. In the year 1931, this population increased to 1,423 and all the people living there were Muslims. In the year 2017, the population of Rafah had increased to 1 lakh 71 thousand. Now 14 lakh Palestinians have taken refuge in the same Rafah.

6 countries had attacked Israel

In the Palestine war of 1948, Egypt captured this city. After this, in the year 1956, war broke out again between Israel and Muslim countries, in which 111 Palestinians including 103 refugees were killed in the Israeli attack. 11 years after this war, 6 Muslim countries attacked Israel. In which Israel wreaked havoc by bombing all those Muslim countries. In that war, the Israeli army took over the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip including Rafah from Egypt.

However, in 1982, Egypt signed a peace agreement with Israel, after which it got the Sinai Peninsula back. Rafah was divided into Egypt and Gaza. Since then the city of Rafah has remained in this condition. There used to be an airport in that city but Israel destroyed it by bombing seeing the movement of terrorists.

Egypt is not giving shelter in its country

This city is surrounded by Israel on three sides and Egypt on one side. Any relief material reaches this city only through Egypt. But despite the Israeli bombing in Gaza, Egypt has not opened its doors to give shelter to those people. In all these circumstances, the people of Rafah are crushed. But despite all this, the people there have deep sympathy for the Hamas terrorists and they call their deeds a justified anger against Israel.

On the other hand, Israel says that the Hamas terrorists have fled from the northern areas of Gaza and have hidden in the crowd of Rafah. In such a situation, until they are not eliminated, this vicious cycle of terror will continue. He says that he will not stop until the hostages are released and the terrorists are eliminated, no matter how much pressure the world puts on him.