
Blacken white hair with the peel of this fruit(Blacken) 

Homemade Hair Dye: Graying of hair has become such a problem in a short time that people generally remain troubled. To darken (Blacken)  the hair, many types of hair dyes and colors are used. But using all these can damage the hair. Along with this, it has also been seen many times that once dyed or colored, the hair starts turning white faster. Actually, many types of chemicals are used to make these hair products, which not only darkens the hair but due to their use, the natural shine of the hair starts getting lost. In such a situation, it is wise to use home remedies instead of chemical ones to blacken white hair. For this recipe you have to use coconut peels. Coconut: Yes, we are talking about the same coconut which is delicious and beneficial to eat. And its peel which we consider useless and throw away. Its peel can help in blackening the hair. Let us know how to use coconut peel to darken graying hair?
How to make hair dye from coconut peel

Coconut peel – 1 Aloe vera gel – 1 teaspoon Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon


To make hair dye, first clean the coconut peel thoroughly and break it into small pieces. Now put these peels in an iron pan and fry them well. After roasting for about 30 minutes, they will become light and will start getting mashed. After mashing it with hands, mix coconut oil and aloe vera gel in it. After mixing everything well, leave it for 10 minutes, so that it sets properly. Your hair dye is ready.

how to color hair
Apply this hair dye thoroughly on the hair, roots and scalp with the help of a brush and leave it for about half an hour. After this, wash and clean the hair with mild shampoo. This will make your hair black naturally.