Change in the thinking of the Khap Panchayats of the West

Meerut. The thinking of the Khap Panchayats of Western UP, which are in the news for their Tughlaqi decrees, has now started changing regarding daughters. Now the villages and houses here are being identified by the name of daughters. In the villages of Meerut district, placards with the names of daughters are being put up outside the house.

Generally, Khap Panchayats are in the news for their orthodox norms. But now his thinking seems to be changing. In this khap fort, the nameplates of the daughters are being put outside the house. These nameplates are being installed by their parents themselves. Men’s nameplates are also commonly seen in houses other than Khap Panchayats. But now the daughter’s nameplate is being installed with pride in the villages of Khap Panchayat of Western UP. This wind of change is the result of the thinking of Dr. Neera Tomar, Principal of Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College, which makes her different. The principal here has taken a unique initiative to put up plaques with their names outside the homes of about 1500 girls studying in the college.

Neera Tomar, the principal of Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College, herself is going to the girl’s house and putting up a plaque with the names of the daughters. As much as the principal is excited about this mission, the girl students whose name is being displayed outside their house are manifold more excited. The girl students say that they are so happy that now they will explain its importance to the women of the entire locality and will awaken women empowerment from village to village.

The parents of the girl students are also very happy with this mission. Daughters say that till now the name of their father or grandfather has been mentioned in the name plate, but they are feeling proud after seeing their name plaque. The parents of the daughters say that today their daughters have made their name bright. Right now only the name plaque of the daughter is installed outside the house, the day is not far when the daughter will be seen flying in the sky with the wings of her dreams.