
China’s construction activity continues in Bhutan(Bhutan)

New Delhi: Many countries of the world are troubled by China’s expansionist policies. Bhutan  (Bhutan) seems to be the latest victim of China’s wrong policies. Some new satellite images have surfaced in which it can be seen how China is building a township on the banks of a river valley in Beyul Khenpajong, Bhutan. China is trying to illegally occupy North-Eastern Bhutan through construction. This type of construction is being done by China at a time when talks are going on between the two countries regarding the border. With the construction in Jakarlung area, China has given a clear signal that it is not ready to give up its claims on this area under any circumstances.
Professor Robert Barnett, an expert in Tibetan history at SOAS, said that this amounted to an illegal occupation by China of an area of cultural importance to a weaker neighboring country.