( winter)
( winter)

These foods will provide relief from cough in winter( winter)

New Delhi. Getting infection in winter  ( winter) is not a big deal. As soon as winter starts, cold, fever, cough, sore throat and pain, runny nose, allergies and many types of infections start occurring. Due to this, a lot of phlegm starts forming and then it leads to chest tightness. In such a situation, if treatment is not received in time, then one has to suffer dire consequences.

Often people believe that cold caused by exposure to cold is the cause of cough. However, this is not completely correct. Actually, when we breathe, dust particles, bacteria and smoke also enter the body along with our breath. In such a situation, two types of waste start forming in our body, one is formed from dust and pollution and the other from carbon dioxide.

How is phlegm formed?
The waste formed from carbon dioxide goes out with the breath, but the waste formed from dust and pollution gets accumulated in our lungs and when there is lack of water in the body, this accumulated waste rots in the lungs itself. Then it takes the form of phlegm. Excess of this phlegm causes burning sensation and soreness in the throat. In such a situation, you can wait for these food items to get relief from cough.

ginger decoction
The decoction of ginger, jaggery, basil, and black pepper is very beneficial. It relieves sore throat. It also helps in eliminating phlegm.
The proteins, vitamins and minerals present in oats boost your immunity, thereby increasing your immunity to fight cold and cough. Not only this, it also helps in keeping BP normal.
It might be strange to hear that cold and curd, what kind of a thing is this? But it is true that eating curd is beneficial for both children and adults in winter. A research has found that curd rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals has a cooling effect, which provides relief to the throat. Also, the probiotics present in it are health factors. Yes, keep in mind that always eat fresh home-made curd.
eat spicy things
Dishes made with hot spices like meat, mutton, chicken or chicken soup provide relief from cold and cough.