
So adopt these easy home solutions(home)

New Delhi. It is very important to take care of hair. Especially, due to pollution and our lifestyle, many problems related to our hair can occur, the most common problem of which is hair fall. Hair fall can be a matter of great concern because with every hair that falls, your confidence also decreases. Therefore it is important that you take care of your hair. Some home   (home) remedies can help you in reducing the problem of hair fall. Let us know with the help of which remedies hair fall can be reduced and hair can be made healthy.

onion juice
No, you do not have to drink onion juice, but apply it on your hair. Onion juice is very beneficial for hair. Actually, a lot of sulfur is found in it, which is very beneficial for hair. Applying it on the roots of your hair can provide relief from the problem of hair breakage. Due to its smell, it can be difficult to sleep after applying it overnight. Therefore, you can apply it and leave it for an hour and then shampoo.
fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek is very beneficial for hair. With its help, hair breakage can be reduced and it can also prove helpful in making hair thick. Put it in coconut oil and heat it. When it cools down, filter it, keep it in a bottle and apply it on the roots of your hair. If you want, you can apply it and leave it overnight and shampoo the next day.
Aloe Vera
There can be many benefits of applying aloe vera to hair. It helps in keeping hair healthy. By applying this, hair becomes smooth, which reduces tangles in hair. Due to which hair falls less.
hibiscus flowers
Hibiscus flower is as beautiful to look at as it is equally beneficial for hair. Put its flowers in coconut oil, heat it, filter it, cool it and keep it in a bottle. By applying this, the problem of hair breakage can be reduced and the problem of graying of hair can also be reduced.