Children are forced to wear helmets

Beijing: Nowadays in China, small children can be seen wearing helmets even inside the house. However, he is not doing this of his own free will, but he is being forced by his parents to apply Hamlet throughout the day. Now let us also know the reason for this ‘compulsion’. Actually, Chinese parents think that special helmets will keep their child’s head round and they will look beautiful. That’s why children are being forcibly dressed in Hamlets.
Most of the parents of China are following a strange trend these days. To give shape to the soft skulls of small children, they are being made to wear a special type of helmet. It is being claimed that this helmet keeps the skull of children round and makes them beautiful to look at. However, no one cares about how much trouble it will cause to the child.

Chinese companies are also taking great advantage of this strange trend. They are engaged in earning money by launching various products in the market for head correction. These products range from helmets to special mats and pillows. It is being claimed that with such a product, the head of children will be saved from being flattened and will look round. The point to be noted here is that there was a time when children’s flat heads were considered a symbol of good luck and children were put to sleep in such a way that their heads become flat.

Children keep these special helmets on for maximum time during the day, so that the shape of their head is correct according to their parents. Chinese women argue that what braces do for teeth, helmets do the same thing for their heads. Most of the women are buying head-rounding helmets for their daughters, as this will enhance their beauty in the long run. The cost of helmets ranges from thousands to lakhs. It is being claimed that if these helmets are applied to children from the age of 3 months, then the results are visible within 1 month.