
You won’t have to run around(around)

Cholesterol: Cholesterol has become a big problem due to stressful lifestyle. Due to increase in cholesterol which acts as an enemy (around) for the heart, the risk of heart attack also increases manifold. This is the reason why health experts recommend diet, medicines and running to keep cholesterol levels low, but do you know that cholesterol can be reduced just by sitting? For this you do not need to run every day and we are not saying this, this is what a well-known yoga therapist of the country is saying.

Let us tell you that there are two types of cholesterol in the body, good cholesterol i.e. high density lipoprotein and bad cholesterol i.e. low density lipoprotein. This is a form of fat, a wax-like substance which accumulates in the veins and the heart has to work hard to deliver blood to the body parts. Due to this reason, cases of heart attack or cardiac arrest often come to light. However, you can also reduce bed cholesterol by sitting quietly for 15 minutes every day.
Yogaguru Dr. Balmukund Shastri, Secretary of SM Yoga Research Institute and Naturopathy Hospital India and Founder and CEO of Shanti Marg The Yogashram America, says that 8 hand postures have been described in yoga. These are so effective that if someone practices them, he can get rid of many diseases. One such posture to reduce cholesterol is Varun Mudra.

Jal Mudra reduces cholesterol

Dr. Balmukund says that Varun Mudra i.e. Water Mudra increases the amount of water in our body. It hydrates our body. It cleans the eyes. Helps in removing dirt through tears. It is also effective in producing saliva. The special thing is that the function of water is to clean, in such a situation detoxification of the body takes place through water mudra. Apart from purifying the blood, it also works better in reducing cholesterol and increasing the quantity of blood. Apart from these, it increases glow on the face. Eyesight increases. Body fat goes away, increases rapidly and weight starts decreasing in a short time.

Benefits will be visible in just a few days
This mudra should be done daily for 10 to 15 minutes. If you want more benefits then you can do it both in the morning and evening. Keep in mind that do not practice this after eating. Make sure to leave a gap of at least 3 to 4 hours after eating.

How to make Varun Mudra
First of all, join the tip of the little finger of the hand with the tip of the thumb and sit in any meditative posture like Vajrasana, Sukhasana, Padmasana or Siddhasana, keeping the waist and neck straight. Place your hands on your knees and meditate with your eyes closed for some time. You will get to see its miraculous experience.

These people should not practice this
People who have increased phlegm and bile should not practice this. Jal Mudra increases cold in the body, hence it can be harmful in case of bile or phlegm. But those who have increased vata must practice it.