( disease) 
( disease) 

terrible disease( disease) 

Madison Buloy, a 25-year-old school teacher, had been suffering from stomach pain for a year. But she didn’t give a damn( disease)  about it because she was happy that in the year 2022 her weight had dropped to 60 pounds i.e. about 27 kg. He felt that God is listening to him and giving him a perfect body. But once after a stomachache became unbearable in a music show, when he underwent a medical test, he was shocked. Because the fourth stage of cancer was found in him and Adenocarcinoma was treated. In this case, there is a continuous formation of tissues in the human glands, due to which there is unbearable pain in the stomach and the body weight of the person keeps falling continuously.

Madison told the media that she thanked God for her weight loss and ignored her stomach pain. But none of us knew that I was dying.
Suffering from continuous medical pain, she went to the medical center where the nurse told that the cause of this abdominal pain could be cancer. However, in his CT scan, it was found that a group of tumors is gathering in the lower part of his large intestine. After 48 hours, the emergency surgery of the woman was done, in which it was found that she was passing through the fourth stage of cancer. Although she recovered in 10 days.
Adenocarcinoma is a form of cancer in which glandular tissue forms in the internal gland of the body. Adenocarcinoma is cancer in the breast, lungs, pancreas, stomach, abdomen, colon, uterus, rectum, prostate and alimentary canal. It is treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

The main symptoms of adenocarcinoma include fatigue, persistent cough, blood in sputum, difficulty in breathing, change in voice pattern, anorexia and unexplained weight loss. However, it was told that the most prominent weight loss should not be ignored.
The symptoms of adenocarcinoma depend on the cancer type. Cancer of the pancreas can show symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting and back pain. Whereas, abdominal pain and diarrhea are commonly seen in colorectal cancer. At the same time, wheezing, weight loss, chest pain and shortness of breath are seen in patients with lung cancer. In case of colon cancer, the common symptoms are bloating and abdominal pain. ,