You can get a glowing face, know how…

Everyone wishes to look beautiful. For this some people use expensive-expensive creams. Some people use home face masks. But not everyone’s desire to look beautiful is fulfilled. In such a situation, if you also want to get rid of all the problems of the face, then use milk powder.

By using milk powder, you can get a glowing and soft skin. It is also effective in removing blemishes and problems like tanning. You can use milk powder on the face as a scrub, pack and serum.

You can use milk powder on the face in two ways, let’s know.
You can use milk powder as a scrub on your face to give glow, softness, moisture and beauty to the skin.

Take two spoons of milk powder and mix half spoon of coffee powder in it. Now prepare a smooth paste by adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to it. Apply this paste on the face and scrub it with light hands for five to seven minutes. After this, leave it on the face for five more minutes. Then wash with clean water. Another way – make and apply face pack like this

To make milk powder face pack, you take two spoons of milk powder. Now mix two pinches of turmeric and one spoon of gram flour in it. After this, prepare a thick paste by mixing two-three spoons of rose water. Then apply this paste on your face and neck and leave it for twenty minutes. After that wash the face with plain water. By using this pack, your skin will be clean and glow will also come in it. Along with removing the tanning, the skin will also become soft.