Woman living in live-in with lover, and lover’s body found at different places

To tie. An incident of murder in the district surprised everyone. Here the body of a woman living in a live-in with her lover for many years was found in Bramhadera. The woman was murdered with a sharp edged murder. At the same time, the body of the woman’s lover was found in Jaspura police station area. The body of the young man was hanging from the noose on the tree. According to the information, the woman had left her husband’s house long ago and was living with her lover. The police have taken the bodies of both and sent them for post-mortem. The police is now probing the murder and suicide aspects in the case.

lived with children
The woman has been identified as Asha and her lover as Hazrat Ali. Both of them lived in Banda city with a rented house. The women’s children also lived together. Now after getting the bodies of both, it is feared that Hazrat Ali first killed the woman and then hanged herself. However, the police is probing all the aspects.

Woman’s husband gave Tahrir
Giving information about the matter, the police has said that information had come through the city Kotwali area that the woman had been murdered by slitting her throat with a sharp weapon. After getting the information, the police reached there and took the woman’s body in possession and sent it for post-mortem. The whole matter is being investigated. The woman’s husband has given a Tahrir on which he has held a person named Hazrat Ali guilty of the incident. After some time the information came that Hazrat Ali had died. In Jaspura police station area, his dead body was also found hanging from a tree. Both the cases are being thoroughly investigated.