(Woman ) 
(Woman ) 

Woman has mental health problem(Woman ) 

Sindhudurg: An American woman was rescued from a forest in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The 50-year-old woman (Woman )  was found tied to a tree with iron chain in the forest. Now this woman has told the police that she had tied herself with the chain and no one else was involved in this incident. The police officer has cited the woman’s mental health condition for this act of self-harm by the woman. It is being told that the woman is suffering from mental health problems.

The matter came to light when a shepherd heard her screams in the forest on July 27. The woman tied to the tree appeared very weak. The matter was reported to the local police. The police rescued her and took her to the hospital. Sindhudurg police on Saturday recorded the woman’s statement in which she said that she brought three locks and iron chains and she tied herself to a tree in the forest near Sonurli village using one of the locks and chains. Police have recovered a photocopy of her US passport and an Aadhaar card with a Tamil Nadu address from her. A copy of her expired visa was also recovered from her.

Woman’s disclosure about husband

During the recovery of the woman, police had recovered a pair of keys used to lock the iron chain a few metres away from the spot. In her statement, the American woman also told the police that she has no husband. During investigation, police came to know that her mother lives in the US, but no family member has contacted the police yet. Meanwhile, the woman was brought to the Regional Mental Hospital in Ratnagiri, where she is undergoing treatment in the psychiatry department.

What story did the woman tell earlier?

The police officer said that sometimes the woman experiences hallucinations and in such a situation she might have said that her ex-husband had tied her to a tree. Earlier, the victim woman had told in a written statement that she had married a man from Tamil Nadu. Her husband injected her and then brought her here and tied her to a tree in the forest. After this, her husband left from there and left the woman there. The woman had told the police in a written statement that she was in the forest without eating for 40 days.