( figs)
( figs)

Who should not consume figs?( figs)

Figs: Figs are such a dry fruit that gives instant energy to the body. Consuming it also reduces cholesterol. Rich in nutrients like calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium, this dry fruit is very effective in many health related problems. But, do you know that some people should avoid consuming it. Actually, figs can be harmful for some people. Let us know in which situation you should not consume figs ( figs) ?

Who should not consume figs?

In case of allergy problem: If your skin gets prone to allergies very quickly, then you should consume figs as little as possible or almost negligible.

Diabetic patients: Figs contain high amount of natural sugar which can increase the level of blood sugar, so diabetic patients should consume this dry fruit in minimal quantity or negligible quantity.

Gas formation in stomach: Figs contain high amount of fiber, which can cause many stomach problems in some people. Especially those people who are troubled by bloating or gas should not consume it.

In case of surgery: If you have recently undergone any surgery, then do not consume this dry fruit. Actually, figs can react with blood thinning medicines.

Liver problem: If you are suffering from liver problem, then consuming figs can be harmful for you. It can slow down the activities of your liver, due to which many problems can occur.

What is the right way to eat figs? –
Although you can eat figs dry, but it will not benefit your health. Therefore, soak figs in water at night and consume them in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also eat figs by cooking them in milk.