( heatwave ) 
( heatwave ) 

When do heatwave ( heatwave ) conditions occur?

Scorching heat – It is scorching hot in the continent of Europe and America at this time. According to the Meteorological Department, an increase in temperature can be recorded in the coming days. In Asia, the people of China are battling the heatwave. Will the heatwave that is scorching Europe and America, scorch the whole of Asia including India in the coming days?

The heat in the European continent is setting new records every day. Due to the scorching heat in Italy, red alert had to be issued in 16 cities including Rome. At the same time, people in America are also facing severe heat. According to meteorologists, hot winds coming from Africa have worsened the situation in Europe. At the same time, the people of China in Asia have to suffer due to the scorching heat. In such a situation, it is bound to arise the question whether in the coming times the temperature will increase in India as well and people will have to face the scorching heat?

According to meteorologists, the condition of heatwave is created when there is very hot weather. However, such conditions do not last long. Heatwave( heatwave )  conditions are formed in any area when the average temperature of that place increases very much. The average temperature may differ from region to region. Heatwave in India is tested on three parameters. First of all, when the temperature of the plains exceeds 40 degrees, then heatwave conditions are assumed.

In India, if the temperature of the coastal areas goes beyond 37 degrees, then heatwave conditions are declared. On the other hand, if the temperature of the hilly region exceeds 30 degree Celsius, then the condition of heatwave is assumed. At present, there is relief due to monsoon in India, but people are troubled by the humidity. According to experts, the main reason for such a situation is global warming. At the same time, scientists are doing research, why is there a continuous rise in temperature?
According to experts, due to continuous climate change, India is also in the grip of heatwave. However, at the moment it cannot be said whether the heat wave in India will be like America or not. Asia, America and Europe including India will continue to be affected by the heat. According to experts, economic activities are also the reason for the heatwave in these areas.
Climate scientist Daniel Horton of North Western University has said that due to global warming, hot air will spread. Due to this, there will be a continuous increase in the temperature. Heat wave is becoming a big threat in the world. Due to this, an increase in deaths due to heat is being recorded. Along with this, the increasing heat will also prove to be harmful for the crops all over the world.
According to IMD’s report released in May 2022, heatweb will increase in India by 2060. Researcher Maryam of Imperial College of London says that excessive heat and humidity have a bad effect on human health. In a recent research report, it was told that due to climate change, the eyesight of the people is also being affected badly. Not only this, due to global warming, the global economy will also have to pay a huge price.