
Whatever the Army Chief wanted happened.(Army)

Pakistan: 9 days have passed since elections took place in Pakistan. But till now there is only manipulation going on regarding the alliance. Firstly, the Election Commission took 3 days to declare the results and when they came, there were allegations of rigging. Now, against these results and rigging, all the political parties including PTI have taken to the streets and are raising hue and cry against the Election Commission. The matter of rigging in the elections gained momentum when the Commissioner of Rawalpindi himself (Army) came and confirmed this.

Till now you must have seen only pictures of election irregularities. Rawalpindi Commissioner Liaquat Ali Chattha himself has said that there was rigging in the counting of votes. He said, “Many independent candidates were winning by 70,000-80,000 votes, but we have defeated them all by putting fake seals on their ballot papers. I am taking the responsibility of this mistake upon myself and at the same time I am telling you that the Chief Election Commissioner And the Chief Justice is also involved in this work…”.

Is there a situation of civil war in Pakistan?
After this statement, Rawalpindi Police has arrested Commissioner Rawalpindi. It is being told that the police has arrested the commissioner and taken him to some unknown place. Now what could be more dictatorial than this? The people of Pakistan are filled with anger regarding this. Many people are protesting on the streets. They believe that whatever is happening in Pakistan at present is happening only on the instructions of Army Chief Asim Munir. In such a situation, the future situation seems to be dictatorial. The rigging that took place in the elections has definitely pushed Pakistan towards civil war.
Is there a situation of emergency in Pakistan?
Seeing all this, it can be said that the future of Pakistan is in greater danger. Amidst all this, opposition leader Pir Sibgatullah Shah Rashidi expressed concern and said that it is possible that emergency may be declared or martial law may be imposed. The claim of martial law in Pakistan also seems true because the atmosphere of 1971 is being created here again. Imran Khan’s supporters have opened a front against the Election Commission and have alleged rigging. Along with this, all the parties included in the Grand Democratic Alliance have taken to the streets and are protesting against the results through demonstrations.

‘The result was sold two and a half to three months ago’

Opposition leader and GDA chief Pir Sibgatullah Shah Rashidi said in another statement, ‘Two and a half to three months ago, the election results had been sold and payments had also been made and this election proved that.’ After this he said, ‘We have the right to protest and demonstrate, but our protest is against the robbery that has been done in the elections, as far as the election is concerned, the one who has won himself is upset, hold your head. It has been done and all those who have lost or have been made to lose, we are on the way.