Today’s Horoscope 8 February 2022

Opponents can be active. You have to be careful during the day. Your financial condition will improve, old investments can give big benefits. Don’t give in to someone’s wrong words. Family members will get support.
There may be a shortage of money for some important work. Your hand will remain tight. Not getting the loan amount back can lead to a dispute. There may be problems related to health.
Students have to pay full attention to their studies. Do not waste your time in unnecessary tasks. Try to complete your responsibility on time. Someone’s bitter words will cause mental pain. Spouse will get support.
Your behavior will bring peace to the near and dear ones. Simplicity will be reflected in nature. You will feel good throughout the day. Employed people will get great happiness. Will take heart in the worship of God. Will complete the responsibility on time.
Today you can get back the deposit amount of the savings scheme. However, today you may also have to face unintentional expenses. You may try to postpone the trip. Your mind will be engaged in religious activities.
There will be auspicious work in the house. Excessive responsibility can disturb you mentally. Relatives will keep coming and going. Today you will be able to satisfy everyone. You have to control your anger.
Your mind will remain calm. The day will be spent in gathering information related to esoteric mysteries. Students will get success in competitive exams, due to which they will be happy. Your work may get affected due to unknown obstacle.
You may have to deal with domestic problems. You can get into trouble with anyone for no reason. Under the circumstances, you may also face the possibility of taking a loan from someone. Don’t be inclined towards wrongdoings. Spend time with family.
Will have to go on a journey in a hurry. Suddenly there may be a call from relatives. Do not be careless while driving. There will be a situation of monetary gains. Efforts for youth jobs will be successful.
You can be a victim of criticism. You will have to suffer because of an enemy. Your mind will be devoted to the worship of the Lord. There will be good news from the in-laws’ side. You can participate in the marriage program.
There will be pressure on you to complete the auspicious tasks smoothly. You will have to run from the morning itself. Try to beware of crooked people. Control your speech, there can be a rift with someone.
Your relatives are likely to arrive at home. Today is a good day to complete government works. Do not get involved in useless tasks, you have to control your expenditure. Will plan to start new work.
Pt. Subhash Pandey