( Horoscope )
( Horoscope )

Today’s Horoscope 24 June 2024( Horoscope )

Today’s Horoscope  ( Horoscope ) 24 June 2024


All work will be done comfortably but in an organized manner. You will be very conscious about work. The day is very auspicious for those who want to work abroad. You will get excellent support from the family. The day will be great to start a new work.


The mind will run towards immoral activities. People can try to find fault with you at the workplace, you should focus on your work sincerely. There may be a problem of heartburn. You will spend time with loved ones in the evening. Do not keep ill feelings towards anyone.


You will feel a little frustrated due to hectic work, you will not feel much at home. Sensual thoughts can distract you from the goal. Avoid eating spicy food. Meditation and yoga will benefit a lot.

The pressure on people working in private companies will be reduced. A business contract can be done with a big party. You will enjoy happiness with family members. You will be loyal to your responsibilities. Do take the blessings and guidance of your father.


You will get proper help from friends in the workplace. You can get financial benefits. You can improve your working style. If you are trying for a new job, you will feel successful. You will have aversion towards food.


You may have to face some problems regarding children. Do not take big risks regarding business. Do not vent anger on family members. Interest in religion and spirituality will increase. Be good towards your lover.


Due to mental stress, you will feel some difficulty in focusing on your goal. You will meet old friends. Important equipment or vehicles may get damaged. It is not appropriate to trust strangers.


You can resolve differences with your spouse through conversation. There is a possibility of getting big financial benefits. You will make new friends in the workplace. There may be a short distance journey today. Students will perform very well in studies. You will get relief from financial problems after noon.


You will be alert regarding religious activities. Stress may arise regarding something. People can take your words in the wrong sense, that is why you should think before talking. You should not pay attention to unnecessary things. Close people can ask for money on loan.

Spend money on the needs of family members. One of your wishes can be fulfilled. You will be very optimistic about your future. Interest in religion will be awakened. Respect in society will increase.

Today you may complain of body pain. Do not make any promise, otherwise you may have to face constant mental pressure. Do not travel long distance today. Your mind will be restless about some past incident.

You will think of buying real estate. Your income can increase. You can participate in social work. Love will increase in married life. Conspiracies of enemies will fail.

Pt. Subhash Pandey