Today’s 20 February 2022 Horoscope:

Expenses will increase, which can prove to be a source of trouble. Will bring many happy moments. Give priority to family problems. Talk about it without delay, because once this problem is resolved, home life will be much easier and you will have no difficulty in impressing the family members. You will meet a friend who cares for you and who understands you too. Today is the day when things will not be the way you want them to be. When your life partner will forget all the estrangement and come back to you with love, then life will start looking more beautiful.

Big property deals can give big profits. Will feel happy. Avoid association with people who can damage your reputation. Old dues can be settled. You can get the right advice and help in a timely manner from trusted people. You will enjoy studying.

Before taking any big decision, definitely take advice of elders of the house. The day will be full of ups and downs. You can start a new business with a friend. There may be an interruption in government work, you will feel some tension.
It will be difficult for you to spend time without the beloved. The mind will be happy and you will enjoy spending money on your friends and family members. It is a good day to go to one of your lawyers and get legal advice. Some tension is possible with the life partner, but things will also be resolved with the evening meal.

Will meet loved ones. Feelings can get carried away. Will be able to win over the opponents. After noon the situation will change and you will experience some anxiety mentally and physically. Businessmen especially those whose business is small, today they may have to face some problems regarding their employees. You will surely be successful in your efforts to increase your income. Good time to start new work.
A big achievement can be achieved in the field. The day is going to be beneficial. You can go to a friend’s house in the evening, you will feel relaxed. You may start a new business with your father.
Due to good health, you can participate in any sports competition. May your wishes come true with prayers and good luck in your hands – and the hard work of the previous day will pay off. Better understanding with the life partner will bring happiness, peace and prosperity in life. Your love will speak on the love front today, as your lover is all set to make your rosy fantasies come true.
Be careful, there may be rifts with family and children. The day can be painful. Evening with lover will be romantic. Be courteous and pleasant to anyone you meet. It would be better if you make a program to go out. Misunderstandings will be cleared.
The estrangement going on for several days with the spouse will end today, the smile will remain on the face. The day will be full of happiness. You will have a good day with family, enjoy delicious food at home. Mother’s health will be good, take her for a walk in the evening.
The extra money can be invested in real estate. There is a need to take more care about health. Financial condition is sure to improve, but the health of a child in the family may require medical care. Control your passion, otherwise it can put your love relationship in jeopardy. Travel for fun will be satisfactory.
Aquarius –
You will get the support of friends. The mind will remain restless, but no wrong decision will be possible. You will get advice from a good person. There is a possibility of getting good news from the child. The problem will be solved. You can get a big position because of your good work. Spirituality and divine power will prove to be helpful. There may be tension between your family members due to some reason.
Pisces – You will meet an important person. You may have to travel in connection with business, this journey will be beneficial for you. A job offer can come from a multinational company, the atmosphere at home will be pleasant.
Pt. Subhash Pandey