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New Delhi: Corona cases have started increasing once again across the country. With this, the practice of work from home has increased again. Many people lazily keep their laptop in their lap while working from home. Let us tell you that doing this can prove to be very harmful for your health. The heat emanating from the laptop can damage our skin and internal tissues. Keeping it in the lap for a long time can increase the problem of infertility. Let us explain it in detail.

Infertility can be a problem in men
Experts believe that the habit of working with a laptop on the lap can cause the problem of infertility in men. This affects the reproductive organs of men, thereby affecting their sperm count. Apart from this, it has also been revealed in some studies that working with a laptop on the lap for a long time causes discoloration of the skin of the feet, as well as there is a risk of skin cancer.

more dangerous for men than women
At the same time, due to the physical appearance of men, they suffer more from laptop heat than women. The reason for this is that in women the uterus is inside the body, while in men the testicles are in the outer part of the body. Because of this, heat radiation directly affects the organs of men.

laptop on lap
According to experts, sitting with a laptop on the lap for a long time can increase the temperature of the testicles. This is because the laptop creates mild vibrations which can lead to fertility problems. That’s why it is always advisable to keep the laptop on the table and run it.

There is a big loss even with wifi
According to doctors, the use of laptop is not that dangerous but the WiFi connection connected to it is harmful. All internet devices use radiofrequency which can make our body sick. Hard drives emit low frequency radiation, while Bluetooth connections emit high radiation. To protect the laptop from heat, it also has a cooling system, but it can worsen the health further.

This is the right way to use laptop

  1. Do not work continuously while sitting on the laptop, keep taking breaks for a while.
  2. Quit the habit of working by keeping the laptop on the feet or lap from today. Instead, work by keeping it on a table.
  3. Use the shield while working on the laptop. The use of shield prevents the heat and radiation of the laptop.
  4. If you feel that while working continuously, there is more heat coming out from the side of the laptop or there is a loud sound, then stop using it for some time.
  5. Use blue light filter on laptop or computer. The filter protects the eyes from radiation.
  6. After you are done, turn off the WiFi. The heat emanating from it can also be harmful for you.