people say that they do not like people who tell lies

New Delhi Most of the people say that they do not like people who tell lies, but when it comes to love, then many times they can even tolerate the lie told by the partner. There are many side effects of lying or tolerating it, the person lying is always afraid from within. He feels that his lie may not be caught. At the same time, people who drink a lie like a bitter medicine, gradually anger starts filling up inside. At the same time, their trust in the partner also decreases. In such a situation, it is very important that instead of keeping silent on hearing the lie of the partner every time, some things should be considered. If you catch your partner’s lie, then you should understand some things.

If you want to have a long relationship with your partner, then you should not suppress this thing but talk to them openly and ask the reason why the partner has lied and why he has started hiding things now.

give some time
It may also happen that for some reason the partner is suddenly not telling you anything but has thought of telling it later. Whatever be the reason, but do not react as soon as you come to know about it, but do wait for some time.

give a hint
If you have caught any big lie of your partner, then give them a hint, so that you know that you have come to know the secret. Due to this, your partner may be embarrassed and tell everything, but you have to listen comfortably and not get angry.


give a gap
If you feel that talking will not work now, then definitely give gap to the partner. By staying away from you, it may be that they understand some things and they share things with you thoughtfully about the lie.


give warning
If your partner tells you the truth, then warn him that if he tells any lie in the future, it will affect the relationship. Explain to your partner how bad this habit is for the relationship.