New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has issued a strict order after the alleged scuffle in the Parliament premises. The Speaker ( Speaker ) said that from now on no political party, MP or group of MPs will be able to hold any kind of dharna or protest at any entry gate of the Parliament House.
Sources said, ‘Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has issued strict instructions that no political party, Member of Parliament or group of members will hold any dharna or protest at the gate of the Parliament House.’
When opposition members took out a march on Thursday to protest against Home Minister Amit Shah’s remarks related to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, BJP MPs protested against the Congress accusing it of insulting Babasaheb.
Members of the ruling party and the opposition came face to face near the ‘Makar Dwar’ of the Parliament House and raised slogans.
The Bharatiya Janata Party alleges that Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi pushed and shoved its senior MP Pratap Sarangi in the Lok Sabha, due to which its senior MP Pratap Sarangi was injured. BJP MP Mukesh Rajput has also been injured.
On the other hand, the Congress claims that BJP MPs prevented its president Mallikarjun Kharge, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi and several women MPs from entering the Parliament House and pushed and shoved them.
There was a scuffle between the ruling and opposition MPs during the protest at the Makar Dwar of the new Parliament House. The Makar Dwar of the new Parliament House is installed at the entrance of the old Parliament House. It is a symbol of the protection of the democratic traditions and cultural heritage of the Indian Parliament. MPs enter the House through the Makar Dwar.
There are 6 gates for entry and exit in the new Parliament House. Each gate is a symbol of different aspects of the Parliament representing 140 crore Indians. The first three gates of the new Parliament House are named Ashwa, Gaj and Garuda Gate. These gates are used by the Vice President, Speaker and Prime Minister. Makar, Shardul Gate and Hans Gate are used by MPs for their movement.