(nuclear power)
(nuclear power)

know why it gave up on nuclear power(nuclear power)

Berlin. Germany also closed its last three nuclear power plants (nuclear power) on Saturday. With this step, Germany ended the nuclear energy era that had been going on for more than six decades.

Germany is ending its nuclear era at a time when many countries are increasing their investment in nuclear power to reduce their carbon emissions.

In fact, there has been a long-standing dispute about nuclear energy in Germany. After the Fukushima accident in Japan in the year 2011, the fear of spreading radiation in the air had scared the whole world. After that incident, Berlin promised to give up nuclear energy permanently.

The decision had to be postponed due to the Russia-Ukraine war.
Meanwhile, however, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine disrupted energy markets. Because of this, Germany was also delayed in shutting down its nuclear plants.

In fact, Germany had stopped the import of Russian fossil fuel after Moscow’s attack on Ukraine and at the same time postponed the decision to close these nuclear plants for a year. Al Jazeera reported in its report that due to the Russia-Ukraine war, there were concerns about the worldwide energy crisis and prices were skyrocketing, but now Germany is optimistic about the increase in petrol supply and renewable energy sources.

people celebrated
The decision to close these plants in a country with a strong anti-nuclear movement was also widely supported by the still-living fear of the Cold War battles and nuclear tragedies like Chernobyl in Ukraine.

Greenpeace, the driving force of the anti-nuclear movement, organized an event in honor of the occasion near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. According to Al Jazeera, the organization said, ‘At last, nuclear power is history! Let’s make this 15th April a memorable day.