
it’s my nature to challenge(challenge)cchallenges

New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to India today after completing (challenge)challenge his three nation tour. Thousands of workers, senior party leaders, Union ministers and MPs were present to welcome PM Modi. BJP supporters and workers started raising slogans of Modi-Modi as soon as they came out of Palam airport. At the same time, PM Modi also addressed the workers. During this he said that first of all I bow down to this holy land. I salute our forefathers and through you I respectfully bow down to the countrymen.

World leaders overwhelmed by G20 planning in India: PM Modi
PM Modi said, ‘This is your effort, tradition, I go to the world and sing songs of your might, I go to the countries of the world and talk about the power of India by meeting the great men of the world, the youth of India I talk about the talent of the generation and I tell the world how India blossoms when given the opportunity, the bravery shown by the youth of India.

Whatever time I had, I used it to talk about the country: PM Modi
PM Modi said, ‘Friends, the time for this visit was not much, but every moment of the time I had, I fully utilized my time in talking about the country and taking decisions for the betterment of the country. All the leaders I met, especially the G7 group, were overwhelmed by the planning of the G20 in India. ‘Who would be an Indian who would not be proud of this?’

Every Indian has a language, we are proud of this: PM Modi
PM Modi said, ‘The world is eager to hear you. The world also supports me when I say that the attack on our pilgrimage is not acceptable. When the statue of Pujya Bapu is installed on the land of Hiroshima, we proudly convey the message of peace to the world. PM Modi said, ‘We are the country which has the world’s oldest language, the oldest language in human history. Tamil language is our own language. It is the language of every Indian. We are proud of this.

PM Modi said that when the world was fighting against Corona, the family was fighting to save each and every life. The crisis was deep, there was darkness all around, who would save, which medicine would work, the world was confused. Everyone was trying their best. Even the rich countries of the world had succumbed to Corona. Remember that moment.

PM Modi said that we have also lost our family members. We cannot forget that sorrow, but when I met these citizens of the country of Pacific Island, everyone’s eyes, be it the driver or the hotel worker or the security personnel, In the eyes, when we used to make eye contact with him, his eyes used to tell and sometimes he used to point and tell that we are alive because of the vaccine you gave us. India’s vaccine saved the lives of crores of people of the world and did not lag behind in taking care of others.

It is my nature to challenge challenges: PM Modi
PM Modi said, remember that day, Modi, what was the need to give the vaccine to the world. This is the land of Buddha, the land of Gandhi. We wish well for the enemy also. We are people full of compassion. In this spirit, we did whatever we could in the world. Friends, the challenge is huge. But it is in my nature to challenge challenges. Challenge two. It is a big challenge before us to take India to the top as per the expectations of the world.

I have to worry about the challenge as well as the peak: PM Modi
PM Modi said that the aspiration of the world is increasing from India. What is India thinking, India should go with us, this voice is coming from every corner of the world. Along with this, the country of 140 crores, whosoever it may be, has to be taken on the path of this prosperity. That’s why I have to worry about the challenge as well as the peak. I have faith in 140 crore people that we will continue to do both.

This country does not belong to Modi, it belongs to the effort of India: PM Modi
PM Modi said that friends, you will be happy to know that it is a matter of pride for all of us to have the PM of Australia in the program of the Indian community, but not only this, the former Prime Minister was also present in that event. There were MPs from the opposition, there were MPs from the ruling party. All of them together participated in this program of the Indian community. This fame is not of Modi, it is of the effort of India. It belongs to the spirit of 140 crore Indians.

Speak with courage, the world is eager to listen: PM Modi
PM Modi said that Australia, today considers India as its own, looks at India with respect and sees its future linked with India’s future. PM Modi said that I would also say the same thing to you that while speaking about the culture and great tradition of India, never get immersed in the mindset of slavery, speak with courage. The world is eager to hear. The world also seems to be with me when I say that attacks on our pilgrimage areas are not acceptable.