In this country people call relatives on rent

There is such a country in the world, where people invite guests on rent. Here many people keep themselves engaged for hire. By taking rent, they become your relatives and participate in the functions of the house.

The wedding season will soon start in India. Due to Corona, the marriage of many people has been shifted from 2020 to 2021. Such people are now preparing to get married with pomp. In India, people marry with great pomp in almost every religion. This is such a function in which people call almost all their relatives. In this people do not even add their expenses. However, families of people in India are so large that these functions automatically get crowded. But in the country we are going to talk about today, this does not happen. In this country people call relatives on rent.

We are talking about South Korea. This country is famous due to the fierce enmity with North Korea. But some such strange things happen in this country that take everyone by surprise. Like here relatives are called on rent. Yes, be it marriage or any other function, here you will get relatives on rent. People invite these relatives by paying a lot of rent. There is a special reason behind it.

In South Korea, it is said that the more relatives a person has, the more status he has in society. Because of this, people call people on rent in the function of their house to show themselves high. These actors act so well by taking money that they fail even their relatives. These fake guests mingle well throughout the function. To make a mark in the society, people call relatives by shedding money like water.

If the report of the local site of South Korea is to be believed, then there are many agencies in this country, which supply relatives. These agencies give guests according to your need. First training is also given to the hired relatives. They are trained so well that the onlooker will not be able to catch that he is your real relative. These days such agencies are in a lot of discussion. These agencies are also earning a good amount of money by providing guests. If we talk about the rate of the guests, then a guest is given about fifteen hundred rupees for one hour of acting.