(Putins )
(Putins )

How many Putins are roaming in Russia?(Putins )

Moscow: Does Russian President Vladimir Putin  (Putins ) send his lookalike to public functions? Does any of Putin’s body double go on foreign tours in place of Putin? Western media has been making all such allegations against Putin. Putin himself asked this question to President Putin in a press conference and after this the truth came out about which the whole world wanted to know for many decades.
Are there two Putins in Russia?
During a press conference in Russia, Putin was seen asking questions to himself. Actually, a student of St. Petersburg State University made himself look like Putin with the help of deep fake. After this, through video call he asked Russian President Putin questions on Artificial Intelligence. Putin said- It is impossible to stop its development, so it means that we will also have to move forward in it. During this, Putin also said that he does not have any lookalike or body double. Putin said in a funny tone – Deep Fake Putin is my first body double on screen.
student asked question
St. Petersburg State University student asked- Is it true that you have many body doubles? With the help of deepfake, the student told Putin- Hello Vladimir, I am a student and study at St. Petersburg State University. I would like to ask, is it true that you have many body doubles? And also how do you feel about the dangers that Artificial Intelligence brings to our lives.
Putin replied
The Russian President responded by saying, “Okay, I see you can look like me and talk in my voice but I thought and decided that only one person should look like me and talk in my voice.” I am the person who should talk.
What did Putin say on body double?
Putin made it clear that he has no body double in the world and whatever news was spread till now about his body double were just rumours. Even before this, the Kremlin has described such news as just entertaining news. However, regarding Artificial Intelligence, Putin made it clear that it cannot be stopped and Russia will also take it forward. At present, Putin has given an answer on his body double, but even before this, there have been many times when news of the use of body double on world leaders has come to the fore.

What do foreign affairs experts say?
On Putin’s body double, foreign affairs experts say that at present Putin has given clarification on his body double, but Putin’s life, which has been in power in Russia for two decades, is quite mysterious. In such a situation, there is little hope that after Putin’s clarification, questions regarding body double will stop.