Foods that control blood pressure.

Blood pressure: High blood pressure is the condition in which the force of blood against the artery walls is very high. High blood pressure or hypertension is called the silent killer. By the time you come to know that you have this problem, it can damage your arteries and affect blood and oxygen flow to the heart. This increases the chances of heart disease and heart attack. Headache, problem in breathing, bleeding from the nose, anxiety etc. are the symptoms of this problem. If it is not treated properly, then there is also a risk of stroke, kidney damage, heart failure etc. According to Ayurveda, there are some foods that can manage blood pressure naturally. Know about these foods.

Foods to Manage Blood Pressure Naturally According to Ayurveda
According to Medical News Today, research suggests that certain foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. can lower blood pressure. Including these foods in the diet can provide long term benefits. Foods that can manage blood pressure naturally, according to Ayurveda, are as follows:

Black pepper – Black pepper is found in every kitchen and it is a great spice. It is hot in effect, light in digestion and balances Vata and Kapha. It is considered good for people suffering from high blood pressure.

Amla – According to Ayurveda, the citrus fruit has all the tastes except salt. Amla has been considered a great fruit for people suffering from high blood pressure.

Garlic- Garlic is a good natural remedy for high blood pressure, as it has anti-hypertension properties, so include garlic in your diet daily.

Raisins – Black raisins are made by drying black grapes. It is also a good source of fiber and essential nutrients. You can put them in sweets. Not only this, they also contain potassium, which helps in reducing blood pressure.
Tulsi– Tulsi is a natural remedy for high blood pressure and has many other health benefits as well. Eating some basil leaves in the morning helps in keeping the blood pressure right.