Do not keep any hope of help from people who sleep less!

Lack of sleep and health: In today’s era, most people stay awake till late at night. Because of this their sleeping pattern gets disturbed and they are not able to get enough sleep. According to experts, 6-7 hours of sleep is necessary every day to maintain good health. Sleeping less than this adversely affects physical and mental health. Lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety manifold. You must have heard many times about the negative effects of getting less sleep. A recent study has revealed a surprising thing about sleep. Hearing this, you will find it hard to believe. Get to know about this.

Big disclosure in recent study
According to the report of Medical News Today, a recent study has revealed that people who do not get enough sleep, see big changes in their behavior. The desire to help others decreases in such people. It has been said in the study that due to sleep disturbance, people’s pro-social behavior changes and they do not show any interest in helping others. People who get proper sleep, they have more spirit to help people. In simple language, it can be said that apart from physical and mental health, sleep also has a profound effect on behavioral health. Gradually there is a change in behavior.

sleep affects behavior
Many studies have shown that due to insufficient sleep, the activity of those parts of our brain which are associated with empathy or help, decreases. Our mood and behavior are greatly affected by sleep and this is the reason that most people do not have a good mood in the condition of not getting proper sleep and due to this, the desire to help others is registered. Not everyone’s behavior changes, but a large number of people are affected by it.

Adequate sleep provides relief from mental problems
If you take 7-8 hours of sleep every day, then your mental health will be much better. Getting enough sleep will reduce stress levels and reduce the risk of anxiety and depression. Apart from this, the risk of obesity and heart disease is reduced to a great extent by getting enough sleep. By improving your lifestyle, you can stay away from diseases. At present, the reason for most of the diseases is the deteriorating lifestyle. Experts advise everyone to make positive changes.