Dharmendra made a plan to return home

Mumbai: Dharmendra is such a handsome actor, whose beauty was also praised by veteran film actor Dilip Kumar. Recently, Govinda, who appeared on a reality show, revealed that when his wife was pregnant, he had given Dharmendra’s photo and said that it should be like this. Dharmendra, who has a brilliant personality, has not got the title of Heiman just like that. Dharmendra, who is going to celebrate his 87th birthday on 8 December, is a successful actor and filmmaker. He earned a lot of name and property while working for years, but there was a day when he had to spend hungry and thirsty days in this Mayanagari. Accepting defeat from the situation, he made up his mind to return home, but found a partner who stopped him after persuading and then Dharmendra, both of them wrote a wonderful story of success in the same film industry.

Whenever you get disappointed, you should read the story of Dharmendra and start trying to get success. There are very few people in the film industry who have not had to struggle. Everyone knows how many papads people have to make to get a foothold in Mumbai. Struggle sometimes stretches for so long that they compromise with the situation and make a plan to return home. Dharmendra was also about to do something similar, but Manoj Kumar’s friendship took care of him.

Dharmendra was disappointed for not getting work
According to media reports, when Dharmendra was trying his luck in Mumbai after coming from Punjab, he met Manoj Kumar in those days. Both were on the same path, so friendship was confirmed. It is said that Manoj Kumar used to manage his expenses by working as a ghostwriter, but Dharmendra had nothing like that. The film on which they came to Mumbai from Punjab was never made. When a long time passed while struggling and I could not find work and there was a problem of food, I decided to return home.

Dharmendra wrote success story in Bollywood
Dharmendra’s children, who made more than one hit film on their own, also became a part of the film industry. Apart from acting, Dharmendra also made films and remains active even today and is often seen on reality shows.