China is ready for Taliban!

BEIJING: Pakistan and China are eager to get the Taliban government of Afghanistan recognized internationally. Both countries are trying in many different ways to recognize the Taliban. China has requested the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to provide financial assistance to Afghanistan. “We have urged the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to provide funds to Afghanistan,” said Chinese parliament representative Un Zhang Jun.

Addressing the UN Security Council, the Diplomat said that those who help the country should be provided financial support so that possible development can take place there. Russia’s TASS news agency said that the Chinese public representative also said that there is a need to take necessary steps on the basis of humanity in view of the situation of hunger there.

Let us tell you that China has been engaged in the side of the Taliban for a long time. Some time ago it was said from the Chinese side that the Taliban now takes an open view and they are very prudent. He will live up to our expectations. It also talked about protecting the rights of women.

China has also demanded the withdrawal of US sanctions against the new leaders of Afghanistan. In view of the poor economy of Afghanistan, China said that it is ready to help in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.