
Many MPs of this country are trapped in the trap of Chinese spy.

London: It is believed that China has spies all over the world. He has deployed many of his women spies to get intelligence by trapping prominent leaders and officials of other countries in the honey trap. Britain’s intelligence agency MI-5 has issued a similar warning. The agency has alerted its …

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Rocket attack on US embassy

Baghdad: At least three rockets were fired at the US Embassy in Baghdad’s High Security Area on Thursday in Iraq. After which there was a stir. One of these rockets also fell on the school. Iraqi security officials said two of these rockets landed around the embassy, ​​while another hit …

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These English words originated from Hindi.

According to a study by Google, by the end of this year, the number of people using Hindi on the Internet in India will exceed those using English. 120 crore people around the world speak Hindi. That is, every sixth person understands Hindi. Hindi is our mother tongue. That is, …

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China’s mistreatment of its citizens

Beijing. As the cases of corona virus increase, once again the misbehavior of China towards its citizens is coming to the fore. China, working on the zero covid policy, is imposing such rules to prevent infection, which is being criticized everywhere. There has been a significant increase in cases due …

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After all, why did the British PM have to apologize in front of everyone?

London. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologized in the House of Commons on Wednesday amid growing outrage over reports of a party in the Garden of his Downing House residence during the nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus in May 2020. Johnson has been criticized by members of the opposition …

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Omicron on its way to Delta

London: The Omicron variant has again caused corona infection worldwide. Preliminary investigations have shown that this variant is highly contagious but less pathogenic than other previous variants. Its symptoms are similar to the previous variants. These include cold-cold, fever and body pain. The symptoms associated with Omicron variants have been …

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Pakistan government’s slander in its own country

Islamabad: The Government of Pakistan has been criticized in its own country regarding Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Universal Service Fund, a subsidiary of the Pakistan Information Technology Ministry, has refused to launch telecom projects in Gilgit-Baltistan and PoK. The Universal Service Fund says that constitutionally this area is not …

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The greed of Pakistan’s ‘dead’ hotel owners killed 23 people

Islamabad Pakistan’s famous hill station.. ‘Mari’ is in discussion these days. Recently there was heavy snowfall on this hill station. A large number of tourists had reached there to enjoy the season. But during this suddenly the weather turned bad. And people did not find a place to hide their …

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A mysteriously damaged special cable is not a sign of new rust?

Oslo: The cable connecting Norway and the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean has mysteriously stopped working. This underwater cable provides internet connection and communication links. Now there is only one cable left and if that too stops working, Svalbard will be cut off from the outside world. This unique …

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Now the heart of a pig will beat in the human body!

Maryland: Surgeons in the US have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig’s heart into a 57-year-old man. This has happened for the first time in medical history and this can help in tackling the huge shortage of organ donors in the times to come. The University of Maryland Medical School …

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