New Delhi. On Friday, August 25, such news came about the Board of Control for Cricket in India, ie BCCI, ( BCCI) which surprised everyone. According to the information, the BCCI has agreed to watch the opening match of the Asia Cup in Pakistan by the PCB. It is being told that the BCCI has accepted the invitation received from Pakistan.
Asia Cup is going to start from 30th August. Pakistan has agreed to organize the tournament in collaboration with Sri Lanka. After India refused to play in Pakistan, the Asian Cricket Council made Sri Lanka the co-host of the tournament. Pakistan has been given the hosting rights for 4 out of 13 matches while all the remaining matches will be played in Sri Lanka.
The BCCI was invited by the Pakistan Cricket Board to come to Lahore and watch the inaugural match. The BCCI has accepted this officially given invitation. According to media reports, BCCI President Roger Binny and Vice President Rajeev Shukla can go to Lahore to watch the first match of the Asia Cup.