
Bad cholesterol (cholesterol)level control by consuming apple

High Cholesterol: The problem of high cholesterol(cholesterol)  is increasing very rapidly. A large number of youth are falling prey to cholesterol problems due to working sitting at one place for hours. Cases of increase in cholesterol are also being reported due to consumption of junk foods and lack of physical activity. If the amount of cholesterol increases excessively, it accumulates in our blood arteries and can obstruct the blood supply to the body. In such a situation, it can cause many life-threatening situations including heart attack and stroke. In such a situation, it is very important to control cholesterol.

Many people try to control high cholesterol through medicines, but controlling cholesterol through natural methods is more beneficial. You can control cholesterol naturally through better diet, regular physical activity and healthy lifestyle. Apart from this, there are some fruits which can miraculously get rid of the bad cholesterol accumulated in the body. Eating apple is considered most beneficial for cholesterol patients. Apple can be considered tasty and a storehouse of nutrients. Apple helps in removing bad cholesterol from our body. This has also come to light in many researches. Eating one or two apples every day can help in controlling cholesterol levels.

Eating daily can help in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) level. Apple is rich in bioactive polyphenols and fiber. These nutrients go into the blood and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Eating apple also strengthens the body’s lipid metabolism and cardiovascular health. In 2012, a research conducted in America revealed that eating one or two apples every day for 4 weeks can reduce the bad cholesterol of people to a great extent. After continuously consuming apples, about 40 percent reduction was seen in the cholesterol level of the middle-aged people involved in this research. Eating apple early in the morning or at any time of the day is considered beneficial.