This fear tormented Sheikh Hasina

Dhaka. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said on Tuesday that her government is “very cautious” about development partnership with China and Dhaka is not dependent on any particular country for foreign aid. In an interview with CNN, Hasina said, “We are very cautious about taking loans… Mostly we take loans from institutions like the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank. We have taken very little loan from China. It is not like Sri Lanka or other countries.”

Significantly, there is concern about China’s increasing debt on small countries around the world. After Sri Lanka leased the Hambantota port to China on a 99-year lease, concerns grew about the ill-effects of China’s ambitious ‘Belt and Road’ initiative and China’s aid to small countries in key infrastructure projects costing billions of dollars. On China’s debt, Hasina, president of the ruling Awami League, said, “We are not dependent on anyone.” Asked why the US thinks Bangladesh is moving closer to China and what it has to say about it. Prime Minister Hasina replied that Bangladesh is very close to all those countries which support its development efforts.

We are close to China, America, India: Hasina
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, “We are close to all, China, America, India. We are with those who are supporting our development.” He said, “That’s it.”
we didn’t take unnecessary loans
Hasina said that her government has not taken unnecessary loans from anyone. “We consider which project can benefit us and we will benefit,” he said.