Erdogan claims to be the messiah of Muslims

‘Gandhi of Turkey’: Presidential elections are going to be held in Turkey on 14 May 2023. Looking at the current political climate of Turkey, it seems that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been in power for two decades, is going to face a tough challenge from the opposition this time. In fact, this time the opposition has fielded a person who is called Gandhi of Turkey. Not only this, this time all the opposition parties have come together against President Erdogan. All opposition parties have accepted Kamal Kilikdaroglu, popularly known as Turkey’s Gandhi and leader of the Republican People’s Party, as their leader.

Looking at the unity of the opposition, it is clear that it will not be easy for Erdogan to become the President again. At the same time, after the terrible earthquake in February 2023, people are very angry with Erdogan. After the earthquake, people everywhere protested against the President during Erdogan’s tours. In such a situation, this natural disaster will also play an important role in the presidential election. Please tell that Erdogan’s government supported Pakistan on the Kashmir issue in the United Nations even after the recent help from India.
Why is Kamal called Turkey’s Gandhi?
Kemal Kilikdaroglu, the leader of the opposition for the presidential election, is recognized as a great advocate of the rights of the common people, social justice and democracy in Turkey. After electing the leader of the opposition, a crowd of his supporters was visible everywhere. People were shouting slogans with enthusiasm. People call him ‘Gandhi of Turkey’ because of his advocacy of people’s rights and fight against corruption. Wherein, Kilicdaroglu’s opponents are fearing defeat due to his becoming the leader of the opposition. At the same time, many supporters of Kamal himself feel that he does not have the ability to convert supporters into votes. However, Kamal promises that he will rule Turkey only after taking the opinion of the common people.

Kamal targeted President Erdogan
The opposition’s presidential candidate, while targeting the current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that after coming to power in 2018, Erdogan has implemented the presidential system in Turkey. He promises that he will take Turkey back to the parliamentary system. He says that the aim of his government will be to bring development and peace in the country. Let us inform that Turkey’s oldest political party Republican People’s Party was formed by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, the founder of Modern Turkey. Now Kamal is engaged in the exercise of alliance with the minorities of the country as well as with the right wing parties. This will tilt the political balance in their favor.

Erdogan government accused of corruption
Kamal accused the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that due to corruption, buildings were constructed in Turkey without meeting all the standards. Due to this, most of the bad buildings were turned into rubble when the earthquake occurred in February and more than 45,000 people died. Thousands of families are currently mourning because of the Erdogan government. He said that thousands of children became orphans in this tragedy. If corruption had been stopped in the construction of buildings, then the country would not have to face such a big tragedy. It is clear that Kamal is getting the support of all the opposition parties. The present situation and the anger of the people born out of it is also in their favor. In such a situation, big challenges and difficulties are going to arise for Erdogan in the elections.

Inflation can also become the reason for defeat
During Erdogan’s tenure, there has been a big decline in Turkey’s currency lira. Even before the earthquake in Turkey, the popularity of Erdogan had decreased due to the increase in inflation up to 85 percent. Now there is a possibility of further increase in inflation. Along with this, aggression has been seen in Turkey’s relations with Israel during Erdogan’s reign. Since coming to power, Erdogan has transformed Turkey into a pious, protectionist society and an aggressive regional power. According to Strategic Advisory Services, which monitors Turkish politics, 74-year-old Kamal has presented a different vision for Turkey. In such a situation, the opposition parties can get victory in the elections to be held on 14 May 2023.