Today’s Horoscope 4 March 2023


Relations with partners will be strong. Due to not getting desired results in business, there will be trouble. Be careful while driving. There can be a dispute about something in the house. Keep your behavior good towards your family members. Old diseases can emerge. A friend can ask you for a loan.
The day will be positive. The whole day will be busy in important works. There will be peace in the job. The youth can make a big decision regarding career. There will be an atmosphere of enthusiasm in the house. Will definitely discuss about some matter of the life partner. Colleagues will help.
One has to be careful about investment. The day is going to be normal. It is not right to talk in anger. There can be some problem regarding money and property. Keep distance from clever people. Avoid criticizing. Keep valuables safe. Think carefully before making a promise.
Can plan big projects. Will go for a walk with family members. There will be job and business opportunities abroad. Marital relations will be romantic. Anyone can talk against you. Will try to improve health. Will meet acquaintances. Spoiled work will be done.
Will try to remove your shortcomings. Good news can be found. There may be a mistake in the transaction. Your budget can go awry due to wasteful expenses. Avoid arguing with the couple. Don’t be careless about health at all. Will change our working style. Traveling is not right now.
Expenses will be high. Take care of the monthly budget. Good news can be found. Today is a very good day for political people. Your inclination towards learning new technology will increase. Keep moving forward with positive energy. You can increase the enthusiasm of a junior.
Someone can trouble you by confusing you. Be careful while doing business transactions. Respect will increase. You will behave very well towards everyone. Will discuss intellectual topics with the spouse. You will have a lot of dedication towards religion. The mind will be engaged in worship.
May the blessings of the gurus be received. You can get career related success. There can be a concern about the health of the father. Your leadership ability will improve. The economic side will remain strong today. Can travel long distance. Your work will be done easily. Protect essential items.
Your work in the office may get spoiled. There is a possibility of loss in business. There can be tension with the spouse. Sick people should take medicines on time. Don’t give advice to anyone. Can face difficult situation. Students should not be negligent. You can get cheated by someone close.
Will be involved in social programs. Relatives will be happy with the behavior. Very nice day. Can complete the stalled work. The day is good for investing. Lending money can be returned. Enemies will be very weak in front of you. Keep restraint on speech.
Can be affected by stomach disease. Lost things can be recovered. Drive carefully. Don’t eat rich food. Will go to the party. Do not complete any work in haste. Will do the work of religion and virtue. Others will benefit from your advice. Youth can get jobs.
Pay attention to raising children. You will perform very well in the workplace. Stay away from superstition. You will get profit in business. Can participate in intellectual discussions. You can spend money on luxury. Do not be negligent while doing financial transactions.
Pt Subhash Pandey