symptoms of throat cancer

Throat cancer: According to WHO, cancer was responsible for the death of more than one crore people in 2020. According to statistics, one out of every 6 deaths is due to cancer. Cancer is such a disease, on hearing its name, shivering starts. The fear of this disease settles in the hearts and minds of the people. However, in most cases of cancer, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits are responsible. The changing lifestyle has made this disease even more dangerous. If the signs of cancer are detected in advance, then it can be easily treated. Throat cancer is such a disease whose signs start appearing long back. Cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, gutkha etc. are mainly responsible for throat cancer. Therefore, if attention is paid to the signs of throat cancer on time, then this deadly disease can be avoided.

On the basis of some signs like pain in the ear, swelling in the neck, difficulty in swallowing, throat cancer can be identified in the beginning itself. If a person becomes alert on these signs and reaches the doctor, then throat cancer can be easily treated.

throat cancer types
Before knowing the symptoms of throat cancer, it is important to know the type of throat cancer. Accordingly its symptoms also appear. According to the Mayo Clinic, 6 types of cancer can develop in the throat.
1. Nasopharyngeal cancer, it starts from the nostrils. That is, it starts from just behind the nose.
2. Oropharyngeal cancer – It starts from the back of the mouth. Cancer in tonsils is a part of this.
3. Hypopharyngeal cancer- This is the lower part of the throat which is above the food pipe i.e. esophagus.
4.Glottic Cancer-It starts from the vocal cord.
5. Supraglottic cancer- It starts from the upper part of the larynx. Due to this the food is not swallowed.
6. Subglottic cancer – It starts from the bottom of the larynx.

symptoms of throat cancer

1. Phlegm- In some cancers of the throat, phlegm remains. If there is phlegm for a long time, do not ignore it.

2. Change in voice- Heaviness or change in voice is a very early symptom of throat cancer. If this change in voice is not cured for two weeks, then you should immediately go to the doctor.

3. Difficulty in swallowing- When there is difficulty in swallowing food, it seems like food is hanging in the throat, then one should go to the doctor immediately. This could be a sign of throat cancer.

4-Weight loss- There is a reduction in weight in case of any type of cancer. Therefore, if there is a sudden decrease in weight without any reason, then the doctor should be contacted immediately.

5. Ear pain- Ears also remain in the neck. Therefore, if there is constant pain in the ear and this pain does not go away quickly, then it can be a sign of throat cancer.

6. Swelling below the neck- If there is swelling in the lower part of the neck and it is not getting cured even with treatment, then it can be the cause of cancer. In this case contact the doctor immediately.