Cannabis intoxication ends up having a hold on the body’s system

Cannabis: Cannabis dhatura is also offered to Lord Shiva on Mahashivaratri. Bhang is believed to be the favorite drink of Lord Shiva. That’s why bhang thandai is also prepared in many temples on Mahashivaratri. Shiva devotees drink it with pleasure. There is a custom of consuming cannabis even on the festival of Holi.

By the way, cannabis is being consumed in our country from ancient times in India. It is also considered a part of our culture. Milk thandai prepared by grinding hemp with dryfruits is very popular. It is said that the juice of cannabis is something different. Know how the intoxication of cannabis shows more or less effect on the body. How long does this addiction last?

During Holi, cannabis is used more in thandai and sweets. The effect of cannabis is different from other drugs because it destroys your hold on the body system to a great extent.

How much and what effect
Now they know to what extent the effect of drinking bhang thandai or eating sweets is there. If bhang is taken in small amounts, then definitely it will not have much effect and even if it happens, it will not be for a long time.

Since thandai made by finely grinding hemp with dry fruits is very tasty. That’s why people often drink it excessively. After this, whatever work they start doing, they do it again and again. Many times they feel during intoxication that why they are doing this but even after this they keep doing it.

How is the oral test done?
After getting intoxicated, the taste of the mouth and tongue becomes bitter. Then on eating anything, its test is not felt. Often while sleeping it seems that you are flying above the bed. If you have taken a lot of cannabis, then it can keep you under its influence even for two to three days. Sometimes its effect remains even for a week. No one can say that in how long will the intoxication of cannabis subside.

There is also a need to take him to the hospital.
Since you lose control over your body by consuming cannabis, this situation sometimes becomes so dangerous that you may have to be taken to the hospital. Therefore, even if you are consuming cannabis on Holi, then take care that its quantity should not be excessive.

How long does it take to get intoxicated
The intoxication of cannabis does not happen immediately. It takes two to three hours to take effect. But when it starts climbing, it keeps on climbing and the heat starts increasing. This is the situation when the mind starts losing control over the body. For example, after getting intoxicated, people either laugh continuously or cry continuously.

Various problems due to continuous use
Continuous consumption of cannabis causes side effects. Its effect falls on the mind. Problems like euphoria, anxiety, imbalance of memory, psychomotor performance arise in those who consume cannabis.
Consuming cannabis has a bad effect on the brain
Pregnant women have a bad effect on the fetus
– Its effect on memory
Not good for eyes and digestion
When cannabis leaves are smoked by putting them in a chillum, its chemical compounds enter the blood rapidly. Directly reach the brain and other parts of the body.
Excessive intoxication affects those receptors of the brain, which affect the perception of pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, sensation and time.
The chemical compounds of cannabis affect the eyes, ears, skin and stomach.
Regular use of cannabis can double the risk of having a psychotic episode or schizophrenia.
Symptoms like loss of appetite, difficulty in sleeping, weight loss, irritability, aggression, restlessness and increased anger begin.
If a person consumes cannabis continuously for 15 days, then he can easily become a victim of mental disorder.

how to prepare
Bhang is a type of plant whose leaves are crushed to make bhang. In North India, it is widely used for health, light intoxication and medicines. Cannabis is especially found in abundance in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Cannabis plants are 3-8 feet tall.

What is the relation of cannabis with ganja and chillum?
Bhang is prepared by drying the leaves of the male cannabis plant. Ganja is prepared by drying the resinous flowers of female cannabis plants.

Charas is a substance similar to the resin frozen on the branches and leaves of cannabis. Cannabis cultivation was done in ancient times by people called ‘Pani’. The East India Company had taken over the cannabis business even before the establishment of its rule in Kumaon and established a depot near Kashipur. Some castes of Danpur, Dasoli and Gangoli used to make blankets and blankets from hemp fiber.

Chutney is also made of hemp
People get shocked on hearing the name of Bhang chutney. When there is so much intoxication in cannabis, then what would be the effect of eating cannabis chutney. But when you will eat the bhang chutney made in Uttarakhand, you will appreciate its delicious taste and secondly, it does not get intoxicating at all.

This chutney increases the taste of traditional Pahari dishes manifold. This chutney is specially made on Holi. It is also eaten with hemp dumplings. Hemp seeds are used to make this. Along with chili, green chili, lemon juice, green coriander, mint, salt, whole red chili and