Cancer can be easy to identify

New Delhi. Cancer kills millions of people every year. Every single day’s delay in treatment makes the patient stand closer to death. Experts say that a chemical named Volatile Organic Compound is released from the cancerous tumor present in the body. It comes out of our body with urine or sweat. In a latest study, it has been claimed that ants can detect cancer by smelling this chemical. Cancer can now be detected even before any major test.

Actually this study was done on Formica fusca ants found in Europe and South Asia. This study is now being considered as an important biomarker. It is being told that now cancer can be detected to a great extent without spending much and giving pain to the body.

Shocking revelation in new study
Let us tell you that for a long time dogs with strong smell have been getting training to identify cancer. Experts believe that cancer spreads very fast in the body. Often this deadly disease can be identified after reaching the advanced stage. In such a situation, experts are looking for such methods by which cancer can be detected in the primary stage itself.

A few days ago, the French National Center for Scientific Research claimed in its latest study that ants can be more successful than dogs in detecting cancer. This research was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.
Ants identify cancer cells
In the study, experts have claimed that human breast cancer cells were taken and transplanted into mice. Then it was allowed to grow. This technique is called xenografting. Then the healthy urine samples of these rats were kept in front of the ants. Then the pre-trained ants immediately identified the cancer cells. According to media reports, there have been experiments on ants in the past regarding cancer. It was claimed that a chemical found in ants can significantly increase the effect of cancer medicine.