Pakistan heading towards civil war! Living by begging,

islamabad-Pakistan is facing serious issues of political and economic instability and security threat, but politicians, especially former prime minister and PTI chairman Imran Khan, are ready to put everything at stake in the ongoing power game. The tragedy of Pakistan is that instead of building a national consensus to rise above the power play and vested interests to get the country and the nation out of political and economic crisis and to save it from the menace of the dreaded TTP, all people including influential sections, politicians and media Busy in covering up his mistakes and slinging mud against the opponents.

Pakistan’s future in darkness
They don’t care for how long Pakistan will keep on begging from foreign friends and global financial institutions. Why doesn’t he build his own house to achieve financial stability? He is completely apathetic about the future of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Multan and other major cities of Punjab and Sindh provinces. The role of establishment and political elite is not commendable, as well as the role of Pakistani media is creating division in the society instead of building national consensus.

Country’s media has forgotten its responsibility
The media is only interested in increasing its ratings and business. It only sees and hears sounds that can create excitement and frenzy. The seriousness of the Pakistani media is fully exposed if one reviews the talk shows and newspaper headlines. It has become the duty of every media house in Pakistan to see what Imran Khan will say today, whom he has accused and whom he has humiliated.

Ignored Achakzai
On 5 January, the Islamabad Bar Association invited Mahmood Khan Achakzai, president of the Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party, to deliver a speech on the important national theme ‘Pakistan’s existence lies in democracy, rule of law and the Constitution’. This speech by a great personality like Achakzai should have been the center of media attention and debate, but sadly the media almost blacked it out.

elections and political engineering
In his speech, Achakzai laid out a viable plan of action to deal with the crises faced by the region and Pakistan and the reasons behind it. He said that this time Pakistan is facing a serious crisis in real sense, which cannot be resolved through conventional elections and political engineering. They need all the stakeholders to sit together at the national level.

If steps are not taken in time…
Achakzai invited all political forces including Imran Khan to sit together to take joint action to deal with the current challenges. He said that party politics can be done later, he is ready to play his role. Achakzai said that the economic crisis, poverty and inflation have reached such an extent that if timely steps are not taken, Pakistan may face anarchy and civil war.