shortage of ICU and medicines: Covid terror in China

Beijing. Everyday more than 5,000 people are losing their lives due to Corona virus in China. The cases of Kovid infection are continuously increasing in other provinces of the country including the capital Beijing. The situation has become so bad due to Corona in China that there is a huge shortage of beds, medicines and ICUs in the hospital, while the cremation grounds are running at their full capacity. Amid the Covid scare in the country, there have been reports of bodies piling up around cremation grounds, while workers helping with the cremation of bodies have already been infected with Covid.

According to reports, in the coming months, 800 million people may get infected in China and more than one million people may die. Chinese human rights activist Jennifer Zeng, who has been posting about the ongoing Covid terror on Twitter, shared a video from a funeral home where bodies are lying around. He further said that the workers handling the dead bodies have also come under the grip of Kovid.

Although the laborers are working. This comes after China allowed people with symptoms of COVID-19 to work ‘normally’ in Chongqing, as the country tries to live with the virus for the first time. The report said that China, which is facing the biggest outbreak in the world so far, is facing one million Kovid infections and 5,000 deaths due to the virus every day.

Another picture showed a body lying on the road in Shenyang city. “Because the crematorium is already full and there can’t be any more bodies, someone in Shenyang city decided to leave the body on the ground in front of the crematorium and the body was buried,” a human rights activist captioned the photo on Twitter. Left there on the road.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also expressed concern over the situation of Corona in China. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva on 21 December that the organization is “extremely concerned” about reports of rising cases of coronavirus infection in China, as the country has largely abandoned its “zero COVID” policy. As a result of which a large number of people are getting infected.