Misuse of multilateral forums to protect terrorists

United Nations. Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, while addressing the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, gave a very befitting reply to China. S Jaishankar said that multilateral forums are being misused to justify and protect the perpetrators of terrorism.

The Indian Foreign Minister did not directly name China, but he was clearly referring to China, which has led India and the US to include Pakistan-based terrorists like Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar in the UN Terror List. Has obstructed the efforts of the Government on several occasions.

‘Misuse of multilateral forums’
In the presence of the Chinese representative in the United Nations Security Council, the Foreign Minister rebuked him. During this, S Jaishankar said, ‘Even though the world is coming together with a more collective response to the challenge of terrorism, multilateral forums are being misused to justify and protect these criminals.’

Explain that before the completion of India’s two-year term as an elected member of the 15-member UN Security Council at the end of December this year, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar arrived at the United Nations on Tuesday to chair two anti-terrorism meetings. .

India assumed the monthly rotating presidency of the Security Council on December 1. This is the second time after August 2021, when India is presiding over the council during its two-year term as a UNSC member. India has asserted that the Council in its current form does not reflect the geopolitical realities of today.