Acharya Rajneesh was inclined towards philosophy and spirituality.

Acharya Rajneesh. Whom his loved ones call more by the name of Osho. There were Indian monks and religious teachers. Who is more known for his non-traditional ideology. It is said about him that he was so logically strong that any common man could not live without being his admirer after listening to him. But even after his independent and strong spirituality, he was not opposed less, but he himself was also seen as a big opponent. His date of birth is on 11 December.

nanny didn’t impose anything
Chandramohan Jain, who later came to be known as Rajneesh, was born on 11 December 1931 in Kuchwada, Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh. He was the eldest of 11 children of Babulal Jain, a cloth merchant. He spent the first eight years of his childhood at his maternal grandfather’s place. Rajneesh himself had told that his grandmother did not impose the kind of education or restrictions on him, which had a great impact on his life.

students arguing
After the death of her grandmother, Rajneesh came to her parents’ place in Gadarwara, where she became famous as a very logical debater in school. From the very beginning, he was inclined towards mystic philosophy etc. and he was also found experimentalist from the very beginning in the matter of yoga meditation. Along with this, he was also very fond of reading. He read Karl Marx and Engels at an early age.

health and thinking
During his school days, Rajneesh used to take great care of his health. He was also active in sports, Tauraki, Yoga etc. In the days of school itself, he was considered to be communist and anti-religionist. He had also formed a group of some friends in which there used to be more discussions. At the age of 19, he enrolled in Hitkarni College, Jabalpur, but after a dispute with the teacher, he was transferred to DN Jain College.
attainment of spiritual awakening
Being a debater in college, Rajneesh was exempted from attending classes. Using this time, he worked as an assistant editor in a newspaper for a few months. Meanwhile, he had also started public speeches. He attained spiritual awakening on 21st March 2023 and had some mysterious experiences under a tree in Bhanvartal Garden, Jabalpur.
Visit to India and popularity as Acharya
After his MA degree in Philology, he became Professor of Philology first in Raipur and then in Jabalpur and was recognized as a very intelligent person among the students as well as among his colleagues. Along with the job, he continued to tour India and gradually he started to be recognized as Acharya Rajneesh. In 1966, he quit his job and went on a tour of India. In his speeches, he logically criticized traditional religiosity, socialism, Gandhism, major political ideologies.

In 1970, he started the Nava Sanyasi program for his followers. And then rejected all kinds of ideologies through logical ability and made a large number of followers for himself and opened an ashram for himself in Pune in 1974 where he started many types of therapy etc. After which the number of foreigners started increasing, which is today known as Osho International Meditation Resort. He moved to America in 1980 after differences with the then Janata Party government.

In America, Acharya Rajneesh established Rajneeshpuram in Vasco County, Oregon. Where his followers started increasing very fast. He was deported from America in 1985 after which he came to India but after a year of visiting many countries he finally returned to Pune and started teaching his methods of meditation there to his followers. After 1988, he started speaking more on Zen ideology and for this reason his followers started calling him by the name of Osho. He died on 19 Jan 1990 in Pune