Pneumonia fatal after flu

Influenza or Seasonal Flu: As soon as the winter season comes, most of the people fall prey to Influenza or Flu or Common Cold and Cough. Influenza or seasonal flu is caused by a virus, so it is also called viral. There are four types of influenza virus. In these, due to H1N1 and Influenza B virus, it can also take the form of epidemic in the surrounding. Although people understand that seasonal flu or influenza is a simple problem with the change of weather, but for some people it can also prove to be fatal. Influenza is usually cured within 4-5 days to two weeks, but if complications increase during this time, it can become pneumonia and it can also lead to multi-organ failure. Eventually the patient may even die. Children and the elderly are most at risk of this. Therefore, seasonal flu or influenza should never be taken lightly. If the problem is more then definitely contact the doctor.

What is Life Threatening
According to the website of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most people recover from the flu within a few days to two weeks, but in some people it develops pneumonia. When it has little effect, it causes infection in the sinuses and ears. As the effect of pneumonia increases, along with the virus, the attack of bacteria also increases. When pneumonia becomes severe after the flu, the heart, brain, and muscles become inflamed leading to myocarditis in the heart, encephalitis in the brain, and myositis in the muscles. The result of all this is that there is multi organ failure including kidney, respiratory and eventually the patient dies.

which people are most at risk
Although fatal complications due to flu can happen to anyone and at any age, some people are more prone to it. Elderly people above 65 years of age, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, pregnant women and children under the age of 5 are at higher risk of pneumonia after flu.
symptoms of influenza
In influenza, there is a sudden attack of virus and it starts showing its effect. Fever lasts for 3-4 days. Sometimes there is severe pain in the body. Sometimes there is also cough. There is congestion in the chest. Water starts coming out of the nose. Sometimes there is a sore throat and headache. Vomiting and diarrhea may also occur.

It is a common treatment. Doctors give simple medicine for this. But if the flu is not cured for a week, then it is better to go to the doctor. To avoid this, take care of hygiene. While coughing and sneezing, keep a handkerchief over your mouth. Wear a mask Wash hands with soap.