Many disadvantages of social media

Social Media: Mobile in hands as soon as you wake up in the morning, likes while sleeping at night, what is trending on social media, who commented on the photo, who did not.. Nowadays social media users are immersed in this thinking day and night. While social media has connected people with friends and relatives on the one hand, on the other hand it is also becoming a cause of sorrow and loneliness of the people. The addiction of social media has increased so much that people do not hesitate to make their personal life public. Comments on pictures and videos posted on social media are causing people to lose confidence and become a reason for stress. Sometimes people also start feeling jealous. Let us know how social media can be controlled or avoided.

control the time
According to Healthista, social media has completely dominated the lives of people these days. Without social media, the day of many people would not have started. The use of social media is not only affecting the physical health of the people but mental pressure is also increasing. To reduce the use of social media, it is necessary to set a time limit. For this, an app like Rescue Time can be used, due to which how long a person is online can be monitored.

Avoid social media on family time
Some people post all the small and big activities that happen during the day on social media. Even family time. The best way to stay away from social media is to enjoy family time. During family time, distance from mobile should be maintained. To make life happy, quality time can be spent with family and friends. This will also increase self-confidence and improve relationships.

social media side effects

Comparison increases with more use
Causes of stress and depression
Relationships grow away
Increases mantle pressure
have sleep problems