The fear of India’s surgical strike started haunting Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is shocked by the death of Al-Qaeda chief Ayman-al-Zawahiri in a US drone strike in Afghanistan. The reason for the fear of Pakistan is that India should not carry out such action in its country. Experts say that the local government is engaged in citing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country with the help of international law. He fears that India may also make efforts like surgical or air strikes to act against terrorism.


b Al-Zawahiri was killed in a US drone strike. Al-Zawahiri was one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. He was also the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks. He was killed in a US drone strike in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday. During the weekly news briefing, Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Asim Iftikhar was questioned about the al-Qaeda chief.

Asked if the help of Pakistani airspace and intelligence agencies was also taken to get Zawahiri out, he denied it. Asim Iftikhar said, “There is no evidence of this action that Pakistan’s airspace has been used.” Apart from this, he was asked a second question whether Pakistan supports such anti-terrorist operations. The spokesperson stressed that Pakistan stands to combat terrorism in accordance with international law and relevant UN resolutions.

He clarified Pakistan’s position, saying, “There are various international obligations under these resolutions. With regard to al-Qaeda, I think it is clear that it is a terrorist entity, which is also on the UN Security Council list.” The United Nations Security Council is bound to take action as determined by the States.