people enslaved to mobile phones

Mobile phone: Now you meet the youth of our country who have accepted the slavery of mobile phones. According to a new report, mobile phones are making 18 to 24 year olds very sick in India. So sick that these children are ready to commit murder, theft and even suicide for the sake of mobile phones. While addressing the young generation of slave India, Swami Vivekananda once said that ‘Arise, awake and do not stop till the goal is achieved. Make what you are thinking, the idea of ​​your life. Think about it, dream for it, live with that thought. Your mind, your muscles, your nerves and every part of your body should be filled with that thought. This is the formula for success. These are the thoughts which sowed the seeds of self-respect and freedom in the minds of the youth of India at the time of slavery. But we feel that today Vivekananda’s idea is being fought with the generation of video games.

worst effect on youth

According to a new report, the mobile phone has become the biggest enemy of your mental health. Today in India, the smart phone is the biggest reason for the poor mental health and stress of the youth of 18 to 24 years. Earlier, when internet access was not so easy and children did not have their smart phones, then on average a child would have spent 15 thousand to 18 thousand hours with their family and friends by the time they turned 18. But after the arrival of the smartphone, now this time has come down from 15 thousand hours to 5 thousand hours only. That is, now your child has become busy in reel life instead of real life.

Apart from this, it has also been told in this report that due to excessive use of smart phones, children also have bad thoughts of committing suicide. The excessive use of internet confuses children and youth and they get confused in real and reel life. They start thinking of reel life as real life. That is, the youth who use more phones start making the imaginary world bigger and bigger. He takes the frustration from there as real and moves away from his parents. However, in this era of smart phones, this problem is not only about the youth. Today we want to remind you of the era before smart phones and you yourself will think how much time and circumstances have changed now.


Earlier people used to talk for hours with friends in the verandah outside the house as there was no mobile phone at that time. All the teachers of the school used to write complaints in the diary as there was no mobile phone. Once upon a time people used to sit together and listen peacefully to 15 minutes of Doordarshan news because there was no mobile phone. Earlier people used to sit and eat food with family without paying attention here and there because there was no mobile phone. Many times when the train was late, I had to go to the railway station and ask again and again because there was no mobile phone. Every year on his birthday, he used to go to the photo studio with his parents to take a picture because there was no mobile phone. But after the mobile phone, all this changed. Mobile phones have simplified our lives and smart phones have made smart. But as soon as people and especially the youth made themselves slaves of mobile phones, it took the form of an epidemic. Today a smart phone can make you very sick.

Thermal and magnetic radiation in mobile phones, thermal radiation comes to our brain and accelerates the brain cells. Accelerated magnetic radiation also affects. This radiation is a mental health disorder. Smart phone blogs vary depending on oxidative stress. These radiation diseases and brain cells are also affected. There is an increased risk of fighting viruses, Alzheimer’s, immunity and heart.