Strong earthquake tremors felt

New Delhi: Strong earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR today (Saturday). The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.7 on the Richter scale. The epicenter of this earthquake was in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan. Earthquake tremors were also felt in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab.

Let us inform that at 9.56 am today, tremors of earthquake were felt in Delhi-NCR. People came out of their homes after feeling the tremors. During the earthquake, the ceiling fan and the things kept in the house were seen shaking.

However, no loss of life or property has been reported so far. The administration has appealed to the people to maintain peace.

There are 7 plates inside the earth, which are constantly rotating. Where these plates collide more, that zone is called fault line. Due to repeated collisions, the corners of the plates are twisted. When more pressure builds up, the plates break down and the energy below finds a way out. Then after this disturbance comes an earthquake.

When does an earthquake bring so much destruction?
Richter Scale Bearing
0 to 1.9 shown only by seismograph. Frames hanging on walls may fall. 5 to 5.9 furniture may move. 6 to 6.9 foundations of buildings may crack. Upper floors can be damaged.7 to 7.9 buildings collapse. Pipes burst inside the ground. Large bridges including 8 to 8.9 buildings also collapse. There is a danger of tsunami.9 and above complete destruction. If someone is standing in the field, then he will see the earth waving. If the sea is near, then there is a tsunami.