France locks mosque after imam’s provocative statements

Paris: France has ordered the closure of a mosque in the northern part of the country in view of the imam’s inflammatory sermons. Local officials said the mosque in the town of Beauvais, about 100 kilometers north of Paris, would now remain closed for the next six months. According to the French authorities, the imam of this mosque preaches hate speech and incites people to protect the violence and jihad.

France’s move comes two weeks after Interior Minister Gerald Dormanin’s statement, in which he said that the government had started the process of closing the mosque because the imam there preached Christians, homosexuals and Jews. are targeting. The minister called it unacceptable.

Local authorities were legally obliged to collect information for 10 days before taking action, but according to information received on Tuesday, this mosque will now be closed within two days. The imam of the mosque has recently converted to Islam.

At the same time, Samim Bulaki, the lawyer for the association that maintains the mosque, said that he would file an application in the court against the order to close the mosque in the next 48 hours. According to reports, the imam of the mosque, in his sermons, describes jihad as the duty of the people and even gives the title of hero to the fighters fighting against the western countries. The Imam has called non-Muslims even enemies.

Let us tell you that after the brutal murder of a teacher named Samuer Patty in October 2020, the French government had started taking action against the fundamentalists. Patty was murdered because she showed her class a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad published by Charlie Hebdo magazine.

The Home Ministry recently reported that around 100 mosques and places of worship for Muslims were investigated this month as they were accused of spreading separatist ideology.