Nidos spent 43 years in jail due to wrong decision of the court

Kansas City (USA): More than $14.5 lakh, or about Rs 11 crore, has been raised for a man convicted of triple murder and spent 43 years in prison. Actually the person was wrongly convicted and recently the judge overturned his sentence. After this, people started a campaign to collect donations.

The Midwest Innocence Project campaigned for the release of Kevin Strickland, and founded GoFundMe to raise donations to help him live a dignified life if he does not receive compensation from Missouri. Strickland, 62, would not qualify as the state allows payments to only those sentenced to prison terms for wrongful judgment who have been acquitted through DNA evidence.

A Missouri Court of Appeals judge ordered his release on Tuesday, finding that the evidence used to convict Strickland was negated. As of Saturday evening, more than $14.5 million in donations have been raised to help Strickland. Strickland always said that he was watching TV at home and had nothing to do with the 1978 murders. He was 18 years old at the time of the incident. On his release from jail, he said that he is ‘thankful to God’.