Recruitment going on indiscriminately in Lashkar camps in Pakistan

Pakhtunkhwa: Pakistan’s pole is once again open regarding terrorism. The internationally banned Lashkar-e-Taiba has set up new camps in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan. Recruitment and training are also going on in full swing in these terrorist camps. Pakistan is continuously claiming that it is taking action against the terrorist group, but despite this, recruitment has increased in this group and its leaders are increasing their strength by collaborating with the Haqqani Network and the Islamic State Khorasan.

Let us tell you that Lashkar-e-Taiba was involved in the 2008 Mumbai attack. After this, pressure increased from the international level on Pakistan regarding this Pakistan-funded group that it should take strict action on it. But Pakistan has failed to act on this dreaded terrorist organization.

Lashkar-e-Taiba is increasing its strength, this fact can also be understood from the fact that Pakistan is using Lashkar leaders to strengthen its hold in Afghanistan so that it does not face any threat from Taliban. Lashkar played an important role in the victory of Taliban in Afghanistan and this thing is not hidden from anyone.
Lashkar increasing its power in Pakistan and Taliban taking over Afghanistan both these facts cannot be seen in two different ways.

Earlier in the year 2018, a US monitoring group had exposed that Lashkar is working to strengthen its network through madrassas in Pakistan. Especially in the Kunar and Nangrahar regions, the Taliban is busy consolidating their position.

Despite the pressure created after the Mumbai attack, Lashkar’s stature in Pakistan has continued to grow. According to the report, with the help of Pakistan Army, Lashkar has become much stronger and more organized than before.